Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Since this is the first post in ThBlog, I will give a brief summary of my current position in life, a sort of introduction. My current position in the physical world is the country of Iraq. I am serving in the United States Army, and let me be the first to tell you, I have no false notions of what a great thing I am doing to make the world a better place. Also, let me add that this view is not swayed in the least by any number of care packages with candy and toothpaste inside addressed "To: Any Soldier" that tell me what a "great job" I am doing and how everyone is proud of me. My mental position in life is a bit disconnected from the physical, as will be seen in most future posts, at least for a while.
I can't really say much about my job and what I do, so most days will probably just be me bitching about life in general. Any random nonsense probably means that I wanted to post something, but didn't have any idea what that something was. If you don't want to read it, don't. I couldn't really care less; I only start this thing due to my brother's persistant suggestions, anyway.


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