Sunday, August 14, 2005


I don't like wearing shirts. They suck and soak up all my sweat and keep it there not letting it evaporate into the air as it should. Then they get all sticky and smelly and generally uncomfortable to wear. I think we got the wrong idea with this whole clothes thing. I bet that if clothes were never invented, we'd all have evolved a nifty fur coat like the cheetahs have. (As a side note, cheetahs spelled backwards is shateehc, if that makes any sense. What a crazy world we live in!) Of course, some of us who live in cold places like Canada (adanaC) would be more like a polar bear instead of a cheetah. That'd be warmer than your sweater, eh? I don't know if that would be any better; I don't really like body hair, either, but I guess that if my hair looked like a cheetah's, I wouldn't mind it so much. Fleas might be a problem, however. I don't like fleas; I don't like them more than I expect I would like having a cheetah's cool clothes. They're all bitey and jumpy and not squishy. They pop when you squeeze them, but only when you use two hard surfaces like your fingernails and not soft like the skin on your fingers. I bet I'd still have all the skin on my fingers if I'd quit biting and climbing and suffocating candles with them.

Have you ever had a thought that you thought and it lead to another thought and then another and the cycle kept going until you decided to start documenting the thoughts that lead to other thoughts and then you stop because it starts getting a little too silly?


Blogger phil said...

I have a problem with thoughts like that. Only it really gets annoying in conversations - not so much for me, but for the other people. 'cause somebody says something and then my mind is going like a million miles a second and about two seconds after they've said something, my mind has taken the thought and run in all different directions and then I say something about my current thought which seems to have absolutely nothing to do with what the other person just said. So they're like "Where did that come from" even though, to my mind, it is related in an obscure way.

12:38 AM  
Blogger phil said...

Incidentally, I actually don't believe in biological evolution. However, if we had evolved furs as you say then we, as a species, would not be as versatile as we are now. Polar bears cannot tolerate warm weather very much. When the temperature gets above freezing, they are in serious danger of overheating. And even in sub-zero weather, they cannot run, but for very short bursts, or they will overheat.

12:41 AM  

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