Saturday, December 17, 2005

Promise Kept

OK, do you remember how I said I would upload the essays I wrote for English and then I never did? Well, it's time to live up to my word. I will post a link on this blog to a paper every day for the next week or so, and you can read it if you so desire. I will not, however, be able to post the corrected versions, partly due to my laziness and partly because some of the "corrections" altered the papers and aren't really my work. So, without further fondu, er... whatever, here is the first installment of my writings: "Running vs. Cycling: The Great Divide".
I think you'll like this one, Bill, and you might even agree (or disagree) so much that you feel obligated to write to me, telling me how right (or wrong) I am and how awesome (or super-cool) I am for writing so much about running and cycling.


Blogger John said...

Now I'm confused. The link says the paper is about running vs. cycling, but tha actual paper is about a fued between two ultrarunneres. You might want to fix that.

As for the paper itself. Don't get upset, but that looked more like a 2nd or 3rd draft than a final paper. It needed some more proofreading. There were several spelling and gramatical errors. What was your grade for it? Mrs. Rainey would probably have given it a B-.

6:59 PM  
Blogger John said...

Speaking of typos...

7:00 PM  
Blogger John said...

I see you fixed the link. What was that ultrarunner feud paper?

5:54 AM  
Blogger tom said...

Yeah, sorry about the link--it's better now. There is a link to the ultrarunner feud (not fued) paper in another post (and finding it will be like an Easter egg hunt, only during Christmas). Also, these papers are first drafts, as my first drafts are my final drafts.

5:11 AM  

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