Friday, July 23, 2004


A couple nights ago there was a fire at work.  It wasn't much, really; an old crappy fan shorted out and started an electrical fire that burned some stuff.  No one was really hurt, just some smoke inhalation that should be cleared up in a couple days.  The real damage was the smoke because most of what was burning was plastic.  The fire was at night and there were only a couple people in the building, so getting everyone out was fairly easy.  Then we killed the circuit breaker and the fire died.  We opened the windows and let it air out overnight.  After everything had settled, there was soot everywhere - the floor, ceiling, walls, furniture, everywhere.  Fortunately, I was not one of the individuals who had to clean it up. 

The real reason for this post is because I haven't posted in a while and thought I needed to get something posted.


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