Sunday, June 06, 2004


Things are getting pretty routine around here. I wake up anytime between 6 and 6:30 (AM, of course) and go for a run. Shower, grab breakfast and get to work by 8:00. I sometimes use either my lunch or dinner break to go to the gym and get some food to take back to work. I get done with work about 6 or 7 PM. Every other day I run with a friend, subject to his schedule. I guess that the routine helps time go by faster for a while, but it starts to get pretty boring after a while. Before I was deployed, but I knew that I would be deployed, I thought that it would be great if I had a tool to erase the year during which I would be deployed from my memory. After further discussion with a few people, we decided that it would be even better if we could erase the memory of one day. This way, we wouldn't remember the day before, so it would only be like spending one day in Iraq. The only problem with this would be that it wouldn't be possible to complete any tasks that carry over to the next day because any previous work would be forgotten. Perhaps the best way would be to alter the memory of the passage of time, but nothing else. If there were a way to make it feel as if I'd been in Iraq for 1/100th of the actual time I have without forgetting anything important. Whatever the case, I don't see any of the ideas I've theorized about here coming to fruition anytime soon, I still have a few more than 200 days and counting.


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