Sunday, May 30, 2004

I was running...

So, I started running again about two weeks ago; I've been logging 2 to 5 miles per day 5 or 6 days each week. At first, it was really hard to get up an hour early in the morning, but now it isn't any easier. I do feel a whole lot better on the days that I run; I have more energy and the stress doesn't get to me as much as usual. So far I've been taking it pretty slow and easy to ease myself back into it. I've also got a few other people to run with me a couple of times. Today, I ran in the morning with someone and I plan to run this evening with someone else; I suppose I'm becoming a fairly promiscuous runner, which isn't a bad thing as far as I can tell. Anyway, I recommend that everyone give running a chance and try it for AT LEAST a month. If you aren't in good enough shape to run for an extended amount of time, try alternating running and walking, but take it easy, you don't want to injure yourself. The benefits to your body and mind are great and many. But you don't have to take my word for it... check out Runner's World magazine for information about running and it's benefits. OK, try that site later, it seems to be down at the moment(3:20AM EST on Sunday, May 30, 2004).


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