This is the tale of a man named Gus and his struggle for justice and liberty against the tyranny of the evildoers in charge of the internet cafe, the dreaded C&E (Communications and Electronics) folks. (It's a bit long - longer than I originally intended. If you don't want to read it, don't. It'll make more sense if you have a working knowledge of the story beforehand. Sorry if you don't, but you might still enjoy it.)
Gus is a good man, and I am glad to say
is. He has always believed in the rights and freedoms of his fellow man, and has fought bravely to uphold them. (Note: This has
nothing to do with his current deployment to Iraq.) One fine June day, Gus was sitting in his usual seat at the local internet cafe and was trying to use his newly acquired
gmail account. He was having problems getting the login page to load and was becoming quite frustrated. Being wary of any Microsoft product, as any sane citizen is, Gus thought that maybe Microsoft Internet Explorer was the problem. Using all of his rescources, Gus downloaded
Mozilla Firefox and installed it on the computer. The next step was to test out gmail... IT WORKED! The page loaded with zero errors! Firefox had saved the day! Now, since his usual seat is not always available at the internet cafe, Gus saved a copy of the install file to his thumb drive. Whenever he had to resort to a non-preferred seat, he could easily install Firefox and cruise the internet without his ship crashing into iceberg number 404. He lived happily ever after.... almost.
Now enters C&E. *cue dramatic music* The proprietors of the internet cafe had noticed that someone had installed software on their coveted computers. This they did not like. When they heard Gus talking to his friend about how great Firefox is and that Microsoft Internet Explorer sucks, they interrogated Gus about his involvement in what is now known as the Great Firefox Incident of '04 (sounds like "ought four"). Of course, being a good person, Gus could not lie and admitted that it was he who had installed the program. Immediately, Firefox was denounced and uninstalled by the cruel C&E and Gus was threatened with banishment from the establishment. Thus ends the tale of Gus vs. C&E.... or does it?
We once thought that this was the end of the tale, but new information has come to light, information that could aid Gus in his struggle to destroy the evil that is known as IEXPLORE.exe.
The Department of Homeland Security has
denounced Microsoft Internet Explorer. Oh, sweet, sweet irony! The evil has been shunned by the very government that would, not so very long ago, allow no alternative! Ah, justice has been done. Keep up the good fight, gents.
Why does my coffee smell like an umkempt dog kennel?